Quintuplet Licks for Modern Rock Guitar: Vol. 1 (Futtuplets)
Soft / Music Magazines
The definitive masterclass on quintuplet figures for modern electric guitar. In Futtuplets: Quintuplet Licks for Modern Guitar, Texas blues musician and university professor Dr. Warren Waren introduces the theory, technique, and application of five-note patterns in contemporary music. This book teaches the intermediate and advanced student how to count, construct, and create with five-note patterns--lovingly labeled "futtuplets." Best of all, the book includes 20 gig-tested, crowd-approved rock 'n roll licks--a taste of the 400+ licks that follow in the subsequent volumes of the series. Each futtuplet lick in the book is spelled out in music notation and guitar tablature. On supported devices (Android devices and Kindle Fire readers), each futtuplet is also accompanied by an embedded video that demonstrates the lick slowly, then at speed with a metronome, and then at speed over a short chord progression. Throughout, the book is sprinkled with treasured gems of wisdom and experience from an aging rocker off his meds.
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Soft / Music Magazines
From Jimmy Page to David Gilmour, classic rock helped to shape all forms of rock that came after it. At the heart of the genre is the electric guitar. With this essential book, you too can learn to play iconic licks inspired by the masters of rock themselves.
With a diverse range of riffs and licks designed for beginners, this book will help you to expand your playing. From the more hard-hitting sound of Led Zeppelin to the catchy and captivating tone of the Rolling Stones, you will be sure to find something to suit your playing style - no matter what flavor of classic rock you are into. Every riff has been transposed in a straight-forward way, making this the ideal book for aspiring rock and rollers and those just starting out on their electric guitar journey.