Sound On Sound USA November 2021
Soft / Music Magazines
Warm Audio WA-8000 mic RME Fireface UCX II interface Wes Audio ngBusComp Bitwig Studio 4 Genelec 8351B & W371A monitors/woofer Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 8 Polyend Tracker Vochlea Dubler 2 Antares Auto-Tune Vocodist Focusrite Clarett+ 8Pre interface Erica Synths Matrix Mixer Positive Grid Bias FX 2 Elite Austrian Audio Hi-X15 headphones MXL Revelation Mini FET mic VSL Synchron Brass sample library - and plenty more!
Techniques + People: Compression: What Do All Those Knobs Do? [front cover] Fred Gibson (aka Fred again...) Inside Track: Rod Wave 'Street Runner' Bluetooth LE Audio explainer How I Got That Sound: Andrew Maury Proximity Effect new DPA research Tackling Guitar Tone Suck Gemini Major Plus DAW workshops - Logic Pro gain staging, Digital Performer Nanosampler 2, Cubase Pro multiband mastering, Pro Tools EuCon mappings, Studio One automation and Reason Mimic sampler.
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Soft / Music Magazines
EastWest/QL Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition library [front cover] • Antelope Audio Zen Go Synergy Core interface • Tegeler Audio Crème RC channel/remote control • ROLI LUMI Keys Studio Edition • Zoom F6 multitrack field recorder • Arturia Pigments 3 soft synth • Novation Circuit Tracks • Roland JD-800 soft synth • Universal Audio UAFX pedals • MeterPlugs Perception A|B plug-in • RME HDSPe AIO-Pro soundcard • Sonarworks SoundID Reference • SoundGym ear training site • Roland Octapad SPD-20 Pro drum controller • M-Audio Hammer 88 Pro keyboard • Mesanovic RTM10 monitors • Austrian Audio Hi-X65 open-back headphones • HOFA IQ-Series Reverb V2 plug-in • Isla Instruments S2400 sampler • MXL Revelation II mic • Golden Gear: Yamaha NS-1000 monitors — and plenty more!
Soft / Music Magazines
Reviews: Roland Juno 60 soft synth Warm Audio WA-87 R2 mic Korg SQ-64 sequencer Shure MV7 mic Rupert Neve Designs 5254 compressor Melodium 42Bn mic OS Acoustics DBS8 monitors M-Audio Oxygen Pro 49 controller Leapwing Audio Al Schmitt Embody Immerse Virtual Studio TK Audio T-Komp Golden Gear: AKG D19 mic Toontrack Gospel EZX & EBX miniDSP SHD Power amplifier Waves CLA Epic & Vocal Bender plug-ins PreSonus Analog Effects Collection VSL Synchron Strings Pro & Synchron Percussion libraries UJAM Virtual Drummer DEEP Cinematic Studio Woodwinds library - and tons more!
Soft / Music Magazines
Reviews: Arturia PolyBrute (front cover) - Neve 8424 console - Clavia Nord Wave 2 - Neumann V402 mic preamp - Voyage Audio Spatial Mic - Orchestral Tools Junkie XL Brass - Josephson C705 mic - Arturia KeyStep Pro - Black Lion Eighteen preamp - PreSonus PX-1 mic - Tone Projects Unisum mastering compressor - UK Sound 1073 - Waldorf STVC keyboard - Unity Audio Mini Boulder monitors - Steinberg Cubasis 3 Android - and plenty more...
Soft / Music Magazines
Reviews: Avid Pro Tools | Carbon (front cover+video) - Audient EVO 4 & EVO 8 interfaces - iZotope RX8 audio restoration software - Avantone CLA-10A nearfields - UDO Audio Super 6 polysynth - Heavyocity Damage 4 library - APS Klasik 2020 monitors - Tascam Model 12 USB mixer/recorder - Arturia Modulations plug-ins - Mojave MA-50 microphone - Austrian Audio Hi-X50 headphones - Spitfire Audio Abbey Road One: Orchestral Foundations library - RYK Modular M185 sequencer - TC Electronic Finalizer software - and plenty more...