AlexB Vintage 73eQ PRO For Nebula Nebula
Soft / Samples, Presets, Banks Of Sounds
The vintage fatty sound
First launched in 1970, the 1073 modules have established themselves as one of the most sought after mic pres in the history of recording. The module features a Class A amp with 3 bands of creamy Eq. Get the real vintage sound, with St.Ives/Marinair transformers and Motorola power transistor... Not a modern reissue or a clone with cheap electronic components... The legend lives on !
The programs:
Carefully sampled @96kHz in a professional recording studio with hi-quality audio and digital cables and master grade converters with audio levels perfectly matched and calibrated. They are precisely programmed without normalizing or other destructive digital processing. The programs don't sound processed, harsh or digital as most plugins do, but instead sound like a natural extension of the original audio, gluing your tracks in the mix with an analog vibe.
. Basic programs with full dynamics and harmonic content: 5 kernels
. Special edition "se" programs (CPU friendly): 3 kernels
. Special programs without harmonic distortion: 1 kernel
. High Pass Filter : 18dB per octave slope, switchable between 50Hz, 80Hz, 160Hz, 300Hz
. Low Shelf : 35Hz, 60Hz, 110Hz, 220Hz +/-15dB
. Mid Bell : 0.36kHz, 0.7kHz, 1.6kHz, 3.2kHz, 4.8kHz, 7.2kHz +/-18dB fixed Q
. High Shelf : 12kHz +/-18dB
. Over 150MB library programs
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Soft / Samples, Presets, Banks Of Sounds
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