Altar of Wisdom AutoGrid v1.8 Max for Live
Soft / Samples, Presets, Banks Of Sounds
AutoGrid is a Max 4 Live audio device, that creates random grid synths patterns from up to 4 incoming tracks, and mixes them with current track, ducking it if needed.
I's a huge timesaver for building interesting FM patterns with different sounds, or sequencing arpeggios or basslines, making sure they don't overlap whatsoever.
The device is used by major psytrance scene artists, such as Tristan or Jumpstreet.
AutoGrid offers the following parameters:
- control or the four incoming signal levels and current track one.
- occurrences weight control between the 4 sounds
- time allocation control between: 1/32, 1/16, 1/8 and 1/4 occurrences
- minimum and random length per note
- mix amount between current track and stutter, and duck amount when stutter plays
- stutter probability (to insert some random silences and thus lower density)
- smooth parameter to avoid clicks/pops or on the opposite to glue the sounds together for fading them in or out
- fully automatable parameters
Please note you need to have Max 4 Live to use this device (included with Ableton Live Suite, or available as an add-on for other Live versions)
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Soft / Samples, Presets, Banks Of Sounds
AutoGrid is a Max 4 Live audio device, that creates random grid synths patterns from up to 4 incoming tracks, and mixes them with current track, ducking it if needed.
I's a huge timesaver for building interesting FM patterns with different sounds, or sequencing arpeggios or basslines, making sure they don't overlap whatsoever.
The device is used by major psytrance scene artists, such as Tristan or Jumpstreet.
AutoGrid offers the following parameters