Coobiak Archives Vol.2 WAV MiDi Synth Presets
Coobiak Archives Vol.2 WAV MiDi Synth Presets
-30 808s
-15 claps
-15 FXs
-15 hihats
-15 kicks
-15 open hats
-15 percs
-20 rims
-20 snares
-30 miscellaneous sounds
-20 mix and master presets
-15 .FLPs for educational purposes (5 of which are unfinished, can be used as a collabs)
-list of all my favourite plugins and kontakt banks

15 + 5 bonus loops in various styles (darkspin, redda, pyrex, cubeatz, vintage)

-35 808 midis (key labeled)
-100 hihat midis (darkspin, redda, pyrex, southside)
-30 snare midis

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