PastToFutureReverbs Rare Reverb IR Collection! Impulse Responses
PastToFutureReverbs Rare Reverb IR Collection! Impulse Responses
Rare Reverb IR Collection Zoom 9200 - EMT 250 FX & More! Never Been released before

- EMT 250 (4 rare IRS from EMT 250 Some reverse reverbs and delays!)

- ZOOM 9200 Reverb (2 Bonus IRS From our upcoming Reverb Library the hard to find but amazing sounding reverb The ZOOM 9200 Reverb!) JUST WOWWWW! Took long time to find one!!!

- Accutronics Spring Reverb (Rare old lush long spring reverb)

- Custom made analog Brass Brush reverb (You gotta hear this one)

13 IRS in total & never been released before!

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———– What you get ———–
Impulse responses of (Wav files 48kHz, 32bit):
Master Room MR-III – stereo
Master Room MR-IV – stereo
Master Room XL-515 – stereo
The Great British Spring – stereo + mono
Monacor & Melos – stereo

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