PUREMIX Tony Maserati Mixing Lifeboats Episode 7 TUTORiAL
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The notes from the producer are in, and the mix is nearly complete. In this final episode, Tony returns to the Fabulous Room at Flux Studios NYC to complete his mix of "Lifeboats" by Will Knox.
See how Tony Maserati:
Reviews his notes from Fab Dupont, who produced "Lifeboats"
Tightens up automation on the backbeat guitar
Uses clip gain to address particular hits that are poking out of the mix
Uses clip gain to adjust drastic ess-ing problems in the lead vocal
Works on a texture for the ARP synth track
Automates the parallel vocal channel to bring out the nuances of the vocal performance in critical sections
Discusses sending to the artist and producer before management and the label
Prints his final mix of "Lifeboats" by Will Knox
Watch Tony Maserati mix "Lifeboats" from Will Knox. Only on pureMix.net
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In part 1 of this addition to the Lifeboats series, Award Winning Engineer, Tony Maserati, opens the multitrack for the Will Knox song, "Lifeboats", and takes us all the way from hearing the song for the first time, to a completed powerful and energetic mix with his signature sound imprinted upon it.Watch as Tony:
Discusses his process starting with his vision of the song.
Sets up the session with his template and workflow
Listens to the song for the first time to gather ideas
Experiments with drum sounds
Discusses the importance of ear training
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After getting a general balance and ideas in place, Tony turns his attention back to the vocals and continues multiple passes of the song through his first print of the mix.
See how Tony Maserati:
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With the general direction set in place, Tony continues the mix for Will Knox's "Lifeboats" and turns his attention to the bridge.
See how Tony Maserati:
Does early automation rides on the guitars and bass
Explains the importance of saving version of the mix
Tweaks the compression and de-essing on the vocal tracks
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After reviewing the last print of the mix on other systems and in different spots in the room, Tony returns with a list of notes for his mix of "Lifeboats" by Will Knox.
See how Tony Maserati:
Reviews his personal mix notes
Tweaks the mix bus