Warp Academy Introducing VITAL TUTORiAL
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VITAL is an emerging (and free) wavetable synth from Vital Audio. It sounds amazing, and it’s excellent for producing across numerous genres. Discover key usages, hidden features, and draw dropping innovations that make this synth a no-brainer to add to your collection. In this live stream, Ableton Certified Trainer Ian Gallagher will reveal 7 crucial elements that make VITAL one of the top trending synths of the moment. If you want to learn what sets VITAL apart and why you should use it, join us for this stream
There are a lot of great synths on the market, right? You’ve probably even seen your favorite producer recommending their favorites. However, here’s the thing - VITAL is FREE! We’re not going to claim that VITAL renders all other synths out there useless. But, we will say that VITAL is the best FREE synth currently on the market. So, if you’re short on cash or want to check out a fresh approach to sound design, there’s no reason not to add VITAL to your VST/AU collection.
But like most synthesizers, VITAL is complex. Learning the fundamentals - as well as the fun stuff - can take quite a bit of time. However, in the time it takes to watch a movie, Ian will skyrocket your VITAL skills and spotlight what makes it a genuine sonic mammoth. If you love synthesis, outstanding sounds, and user-friendly interfaces, then this live-stream is your destiny! Or, at the very least, this live-stream is for you.
How to make VITAL speak (yes, it can talk!)
How to use VITAL for FM synthesis
How to create custom waveforms
How to wield the power of its LFOs, Filters, and Unison
How to use its unique, built-in effects
How to use VITAL with MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression)
VITAL’s Random possibilities
A selection of VITAL racks created by the Warp Academy team
The Ableton Live Session used in the stream
2 hours of training
Q&A period
A replay recording you can watch for 60 days following the event
The presentation slides as a PDF
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