GuitarZoom Blues Licks Limited Edition with Steve Stine 2020 TUTORiAL
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Blues Licks by Steve Stine
36 Licks including but not limited Modern Blues, A Minor Pentatonic Across The Fretboard, A Major Pentatonic Scale, Solo minor over the I & V Chords
A Major Pentatonic Across The Fretboard, A Minor Blues Scale, A Major Blues Across The Fretboard, A Dorian Scale, Horizontal Playing
Scales And Techniques, A Dorian Across The Fretboard, Direction And Dynamic Elements, Mixolydian, A Mixolydian Across The Fretboard
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This course is about memorizing and internalizing the pentatonic scale all over the fretboard. Beat subdivisions are also being introduced in this course. The pentatonic scale was presented vertically, horizontally, and diagonally. Pentatonic box combinations or what we call pentatonic extensions are also here to study. This course is very useful when it comes to knowing your guitar fretboard. Especially when it comes to the pentatonic scale. But still, it is also very beneficial to apply the techniques when learning the other scales. You should not force yourself to memorize the pentatonic scale.
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