Udemy Beginner Piano for singers + artists TUTORiAL
Soft / Video Lessons
This course is intended for beginner to intermediate pianists who would like to familiarize themselves with the circle of fifths and learn to play in every major key signature. I've composed 12 pieces that get progressively harder, starting in C major and working our way around the circle of fifths. The course is cumulative, so it starts simply, and builds, with each passing assignment. By the end you will have a repertoire of 12 beautiful pieces, that you can either play on the piano alone, or also sing along to. I've included vocal melody lines and lyrics for each composition.
I've organized the pieces according the months of the year, so you will begin with January in C Major (the simplest piece), which stays in the key center of C Major. The following assignment is February, in the key of G Major, with one sharp. But this piece has a chord progression which travels from G Major to C major and back again. So now you have twice as many chords and voicings to play with. Each assignment and month gets progressively more complex. It is a self-paced course, so I encourage you to take your time really learning each piece before moving onto the next one. By the end of the course, you will have a repertoire of 12 beautiful performance pieces, in every major key!
For each lesson, I demonstrate the piece by performing it twice, once with vocals and once without. You are free to play the pieces as standalone piano compositions, but I've included the vocal melodies just for fun. I also film my hands separately playing each piece, so you can see visually exactly what my hands are doing. I briefly break down each score for you and introduce important music theory concepts as we go along. You should print the score out for each assignment, that way you can make any notes on the music itself. You are free to try and sightread the score before or after listening to my video performances/lectures.
I hope you enjoy learning these pieces as much as I enjoyed composing them! I'd love to hear any recordings you care to make of them as you go along. Happy practicing!
What you'll learn
Learn to play a beautiful, original piano composition in every major key.
Gain a repertoire of 12 moving and meaningful performance pieces.
Learn about the circle of fifths, key signatures, time signatures, fingerings, and how to read a score.
Enjoy playing the piano with a friendly teacher.
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Soft / Video Lessons
Hello, my name is Sebastián Burgio and I'm a pianist specialized on classical music. My experience is based in many years playing piano and teaching students of many levels and stages. My repertoire includes many classical piano pieces by famous composers as Chopin, Schubert, Bach, Grieg, etc. I will be your instructor during this course.
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Soft / Video Lessons
Quick course (less than 1.5h of video!) with all the principals you need to play the piano from the beginning!
You will learn to play your favourite song on the piano. You will be able to compose your own piano melodies.
You will understand how the sounds work together to create harmony and melody.
You will have knowledge about rhythm, which will allow you to count any musical piece you like to and play it as it suppose to be