SINEE SHDW and Obscure Shape Online Masterclass Essential (English subtitles incl.) TUTORiAL
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With SHDW & Obscure Shape an extraordinary duo finds its way into the SINEE universe this year! Kicked off by the release of their first three records "Nachtblende”, "Wenn Die Masken Fallen” and "Die Weiße Rose” in 2015 – the two guys experienced an incredibly rapid music career. Their never-ending world tour, which brought them to numerous festival stages, has given them an immense amount of experience. And now the SINEE community is to benefit from this!
Individual and according to your taste – the Online Masterclass with SHDW & Obscure Shape is available in two versions: Essential & Professional.
You want to look over the shoulder of the successful producer duo in the studio? Benefit from valuable learnings and strong tips for your own sound? Then we wish you a lot of fun with the Masterclass in the Essential version.
The Professional version, on the other hand, expands the extensive online masterclass, which sheds light on the workflow and sound of the globally successful techno act SHDW & Obscure Shape. It includes aspects of strategic marketing, self-marketing and communication. The two guys from Stuttgart will teach you in exclusive lessons when and how to contact your favorite labels. Furthermore, chances and risks of an own label will be discussed.
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