Reason RE Rob Papen Attention v1.0.0 WiN
VST Effects / VST Plugins
Is it not often the case that you are far too busy in your studio and need some coffee, tea or whatever??. But how do you order it? Or, you are mixing a whole band with many people inside your studio and need to get them quiet again and focussed on what they are meant to be doing! Are you recording a vocalist but your Neptune Pitch Adjuster gets simply overloaded and you really need something to keep the singer pay attention that it is again totally out of tune?
Well, we have now saved your studio and productions because Rob Papen releases the totally awesome and essential studio tool of all time!!!
So, drag some Attention into your Reason Rack and take control again!!!...or order coffee, tea or energy drinks!
NOTE: please don't use this Rack Extension inside Hotels, Motels, Restaurants and Saunas!.
And yes it really is Rob's finger pressing the button. So, go on let Rob Papen take control of your studio with the Attention Rack Extension!.
You need R2R's Reason release and TEAM R2R Reason Rack Extension Cache Builder
Copy the RackExtension folder to
"%APPDATA%Propellerhead SoftwareRackExtensions"
Copy *.R2RRECACHE file to
"%APPDATA%Propellerhead SoftwareR2RRECACHE"
After you add new RackExtension(s), you need to rebuild the RE cache:
- Just run "RECacheBuilder.exe" from TEAM R2R Reason Rack Extension Cache Builder
- Cache file will be built.
- Done!
We know it's free, but this is required if you use the R2R Reason release.
Big thanks to R2R for sharing their knowledge and providing the resources!
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A witch says,
This is a custom tool to enable Reason RackExtension, released by TEAM R2R.
You can now finally enjoy the Reason and its plugins without any internet connections, forever!
The generated cache is only for R2R Reason (with R2R-WAIFU) release.
The cache does not conflict with legit cache.