Reason RE Robotic Bean Compare CV Scope v2.0.0 WiN
Reason RE Robotic Bean Compare CV Scope v2.0.0 WiN
Compare is a fully featured 4 channel CV Oscilloscope, but it's also much more: It can reshape your signals and combine them in many different ways, all with real time visual feedback. Try it today, and you'll soon find that Compare is an essential part of your modular toolbox!

- Great visualization of your CV signals
- Shape and transform the signals
- Freeze and Zoom

Product Description:
Compare shows you exactly what's going on with your CV signals, whether they are used for modulation, gates or pitch. You can view the signals side by side (lanes) or on top of each other (overlay). You can zoom and freeze the scope at all times, and toggle the visibility of each curve in the display.

There are individual scale, offset and mute controls for each channel, all with real time visual feedback in the scope, and with full automation support. Each channel can be individually rectified (half or full wave), and they also have CV inputs to control the amplitude (VCAs). Shape and tweak your signals exactly the way you want them!

Compare also provides you with four different combinations of the input signals: The maximum, minimum, sum and product. You can use these to combine basic waveforms into complex modulation sources.

4 channel CV oscilloscope
Lanes and overlay views
Scale, offset and mute for each channel, with visual feedback
Full automation support for the channel controls
Zoom and freeze
Hide and show curves in the display
Max, Min, Sum and Product of all 4 signals
Half and full wave rectification for each channel input
VCA input for each channel
8 simultaneous CV outputs (4 individual + 4 combinations)

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