Reason RE Audio Damage RoughRider v1.0.1 WiN
VST Effects / Audio Soft
Rough Rider is an easy-to-use compressor that just sounds good, but with a nuclear-powered dragon hiding under the hood. From simple, smooth drum buss compression to ultra-heavy-duty full metal squish, Rough Rider is an essential tool in every producer's arsenal.
The Rough Rider Rack Extension is a direct port of the popular Rough Rider VST/AU, in daily use by tens of thousands of producers and engineers the world over. It is a modern compressor with a "vintage" and uniquely warm sound. Perfect for adding compression effects to your drum buss, it also sounds great with synth bass, clean guitar, and backing vocals.
Simple in operation, Rough Rider's front panel is immediately accessible to anyone familiar with hardware compressors. With a mix control on the front panel for parallel ("New York Style") compression, a scaled ratio knob, and gain reduction CV out the back panel, Rough Rider will drop right in to any Reason project.
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