Curtiss King Tapeboy v1.0.9 Regged 64bit WiN MacOSX
VST Effects / VST Plugins / Audio Soft
Vintage Cassette & Vinyl Vibes? (You Got It.)
Tapeboy is a 90's Boom Bap kid dream come true. An all in one vintage cassette and vinyl emulator inspired by the popular handheld Home Alone 2 recorder TalkBoy.
While seamlessly recreating the warm cassette & vinyl vibes of yesterday, this effects plugin also provides features with the modern Music Producer in mind.
Tapeboy was designed to add an accurate and classic hardware touch to any melodic sample, vocal, or drum sound.
As producers we recognize the important role ambient sound effects play in our music. We also know how uninspiring it is to stop our music to locate high quality samples to set the vibes right. With Tapeboy you can choose from 9 ambient SFX such as classic vinyl crackles, chill rainstorms, and laid back café chatter to bring listeners into your world.
In our latest update we allow you to not only determine how loud you would like your sound effects to be, but we also give you the option of whether or not to sync them to your audio.
The Echo section was designed to give you maximum sonic flexibility without overwhelming you with uneccessary controls. We delved deep to bring you a world of Echo, anything from pure slapback delays to rich analog echoes, the choice is yours!
Add and customize various styles of analog warmth and presence to your samples by clicking on the advanced WARM mode button.
Looking to add some digital video game distortion to your samples? Click on the Advanced Tapeboy 8-Bit button to add and customize an authentic throwback crunch and edge to your audio samples.
Determine how much digital pitch variation you would like to add to your samples by adjusting the wobble wheel.
GRarely seen within tape emulators, Tapeboy includes a velocity ducking sidechain feature. Determine both the amount of ducking you would like to add to your samples and the rate at which you desire to duck your samples. (1/2, 1/4, 1/1)
Freely remove and automate the low and high end bands of your audio sample by sliding our built in EQ filters left and right.
Easily control how much Cassette emulation you want within your music by tweaking the Mix knob located on the bottom left of Tapeboy. Lastly, determine how much output gain you would like to add to your final Tapeboy masterpiece by tweaking the up/down volume wheel to the right.
The newest Tapeboy update now includes new colorful skins.
Don't be fooled, these skins are more than visual aesthetics. Each skin carries a unique character and tone to match it's color. In essence you now posses multiple Tapeboy plugins in one. This ultimately leads endless combinations and possibilities.
In the newest version of Tapeboy we went a little crazy with the presets.
As producers ourselves we fully understand that sonically speaking, inspiration leads to even more inspiration. This is part of the reason we chose to add multiple categories of presets meant to help you achieve different styles of cassette emulation. With the addition of the skins, these presets are sure to inspire unique sounds that only YOU will have.
The menu section houses additional control & items to assist and inspire your workflow.
But its so much more than your typical menu section and comes loaded with a few hidden gems for you to get your teeth into.
Tapeboy remembers every single move you make allowing you to undo and redo at the click of a button. Be as creative and experimental as you wish knowing that all of your moves are backed up in memory!
A unique feature of Curtiss King plugins is that you get rewarded for doing what you already should be doing, turning up to cook and create regularly! Tapeboy comes loaded with its own set of dedicated Achievements for you to unlock. Time to get building that streak!
Need to resize the display for accessibility or need a helping hand? No problem, simply hit the settings cog to access a number of different scaling options for the plugin, or hit the 'Help' icon to chat to a member of our support team who are working round the clock to make sure that you've got what you need.
VST2 (64-Bit)
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