Voxengo VariSaturator v2.6 WiN
VST Effects / VST Plugins
VariSaturator features two saturation modules which are applied in sequence, in two-band or broadband mode. The tube/valve saturation module applies asymmetric valve processing that closely resembles sound of a high-quality valve amplifier cascade. Another saturation module VariSaturator features is a digital "waveshaping” saturator with feedback topology.
This module applies smooth saturation which can amplify signal level and apply desirable harmonic coloration. If you have some "muffled” track in the mix that needs to cut through the mix better, VariSaturator will help you in this case easily.
VariSaturator can be used in a variety of audio processing cases: you may apply it with good results over drum, bass and vocal tracks, over sub-mixes, and of course over complete mixes.
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