Reason RE Lectric Panda CV Player Tap v1.0.3 WiN
VST Instruments / Audio Soft
CV Player Tap is a minimal device that converts classic CV Gate and Note control into the Player format. It also takes any incoming Player MIDI data and separates each voice into its own CV Gate and Note output for player chaining.
16 Channels of CV Gate and Note in
16 Channels of CV Gate and Note out
Input CV Gate and Note converted to Player MIDI
Incoming Player MIDI converted to CV Gate and Note out
Allows for chaining of Player MIDI streams
Converts legacy CV Devices to Players
- Korde
- Propulsion
- PSQ-1684
- Euclid Rhythm Generator
- Step Note Recorder
- Elementary Logic Gates
- Mercury 4 Voice Polyphonic Arpeggiator
- AutoTheory
- System 9 Pattern Sequencer
- Matrix
- RPG-8
Input CV Gates 1-16 without note CV will default to Kong and Redrum MIDI mapping
Updated in 1.0.3
- Fixed bug that caused overlapping notes to merge into long notes / skip notes.
- Convert Classic CV to Player MIDI
- Chain Many Player Streams
- Convert Korde, Propulsion, and PSQ to Players
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