Cockos REAPER Portable v6.27 WiN
VST Plugins / Audio Soft
This is portable version of REAPER. Cockos REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project).
► Basic features:
Portable - supports running from USB keys or other removable media
64 bit audio engine
Excellent low-latency performance
Multiprocessor capable
Direct multi-track recording to many formats including WAV/BWF/W64, AIFF, WavPack, FLAC, OGG, and MIDI.
Extremely flexible routing
Fast, tool-less editing
Supports a wide range of hardware (nearly any audio interface, outboard hardware, many control surfaces)
Support for VST, VSTi, DX, DXi effects
ReaPlugs: high quality 64 bit effect suite
Tightly coded - installer is just over 2MB
+ Dither: fix half-bit DC offset [p=2425940]
+ FX: add option to not add undo points when closing FX windows [t=250733]
+ FX: improve pin connector window
+ FX: fix persistence of take FX processing channel count when processing only 2 channels on a track with more than 2 channels
+ JSFX: add Channel Mapper-Downmixer plugin
+ JSFX: add option in pin connector dialog I/O menu to pass through or zero out unused output channels
+ JSFX: support drawing vertical text via gfx_setfont flag 'z' (does not work with system/bitmapped font)
+ JSFX: allow Webdings/Wingdings for gfx_setfont() use on Windows [twtr=1376339905408815106]
+ macOS: add prefs/general/advanced option for window fullscreen button to activate fullscreen rather than OS fullscreen
+ macOS: add prefs/general/advanced options for rounded buttons and big sur listview margins
+ macOS: disable macOS 10.12+ Window tabbing menu items
+ Media item channel mapper: control/command-click a mapping to set exclusively for that channel
+ Media items: add action to set channel mapping for selected media items
+ MIDI: output multiple note-offs for the same channel/pitch if there are multiple sequential note-ons
+ Project time offset: preserve maximum resolution when setting project time offset to edit cursor position [p=2428360]
+ ReaScript: support drawing vertical text via gfx_setfont flag 'z' (does not work with system/bitmapped font)
+ ReaScript: allow Webdings/Wingdings for gfx_setfont() use on Windows [twtr=1376339905408815106]
+ ReaScript: correct documentation for Set/GetMasterTrackVisibility
+ ReaTune: fix potential crash with certain parameter settings and UI open [t=251553]
+ Render: resolve $samplerate wildcard correctly when mixing at one sample rate but rendering to another [t=249713]
+ TCP FX List: fix multi-column scroll extent issue [t=245850]
+ Timeline: truncate seconds and samples display rather than rounding, for consistency with H:M:S and H:M:S:F display
+ Timeline: when displaying minutes:seconds and a project start offset exists, center ruler major tick marks on project time zero rather than the start of the timeline
+ Track manager: display track channel count
+ VST: add I/O menu item in FX pin connector dialog to increase host channel count to match plugin
+ VST: add option in pin connector dialog I/O menu to pass through or zero out unused output channels
+ VST: cache VST3 parameter/bus/latency information for improved performance with yabridge and plug-ins
+ VST: improve behavior when VST3 plug-ins call restartComponent(kReloadComponent)
+ VST: more flexible support for passing MIDI program change messages to VST3 [t=251104]
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VST Plugins / Audio Soft
This is portable version of REAPER. Cockos REAPER is a powerful but sensible Windows application that lets you record, arrange, edit, and render multi-track waveform audio. It provides an extensive set of features, but is a very small and lightweight application (the installer is less than 1 megabyte, and includes many effects and a sample project).
► Basic features:
Portable - supports running from USB keys or other removable media
64 bit audio engine