ALAN AZTEC Donk Machine 2 v1.0 WiN
VST Plugins / Audio Soft
FM bass synthesizer VSTi plugin specialized for creating bass sounds which can be used in various sub genres of house music.
Donk Machine 2 is an FM synthesizer featuring four main oscillators and one sub oscillator with variable modulation amounts and decay/sustain envelopes per oscillator. The plugin also features a global amplitude envelope and a useful FX section consisting of a distortion module, reverb, bitcrusher, a tilt equalizer and a handy master compressor for shaping the sound on the output.
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A mixer section allows you to adjust individual oscillators levels as well as the amplitudes of a sub oscillator and a white noise generator. The mixer output then goes through a resonant filter, an overdrive, a delay, and a reverb to further shape the sound.