Sonible ProximityEQ v1.0.4 WiN
VST Plugins / Audio Soft
The eq plug-in that repositions audio sources in post-production. Whether music or speech – proximity:EQ+ lets you edit sound spaces as never before.
* Edit natural reverb
* Frequency-selective dereverberation
* Isolate and remove room modes
More freedom in postproduction
Closer to the source
Often enough when interviewing, the recording microphone got placed too far from the source; or the grand piano turns out muddy because too much reverb was recorded. In these situations, proximity:EQ+ lets you draw the voice significantly closer and give the muddy piano a crisper sound in postproduction.
Sonic depth
Add space to the mix
Of course it is also possible that the microphones ended up getting too close to the sound source. Your mix then lacks spaciousness. proximity:EQ+ seamlessly distances the sound source without affecting its original character. This makes your entire mix more transparent and opens new ways of creating sonic depth.
Room resonances
Optimal room acoustics at the touch of a button
Even when you meticulously plan a setup and perfectly position the microphones – the acoustics of a given room simply are what they are. The sophisticated technology of proximity:EQ+ opens entirely new possibilities for amending detrimental room modes in post-production while leaving the direct sound entirely untouched.
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