Capella melody trainer v1.1.0.5 WiN
Soft / VST Instruments

All musicians always fight for exact intonation. Wind players, string players and singers need to know before their next rehearsal or lesson that they are doing okay. In "free practicing mode” for example, you work on intervals and scales. capella melody trainer also supports transposing instruments.
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Soft / VST Instruments
capella audio2score pro analyzes your recording, e.g. an MP3 file. Different timbres - winds, strings, piano - can be distinguished.
The recognized timbres are then poured into a new arrangement. This can be e.g. for piano, quartet or orchestra - you choose the instrumentation yourself and immediately see the result.
capella audio2score pro does not show you an exact transcript of the original. Please imagine the result more like a piano reduction or a particell (depending on your settings). Export to Midi, capella or MusicXML format as well as PDF.
The recognized timbres are then poured into a new arrangement. This can be e.g. for piano, quartet or orchestra - you choose the instrumentation yourself and immediately see the result.
capella audio2score pro does not show you an exact transcript of the original. Please imagine the result more like a piano reduction or a particell (depending on your settings). Export to Midi, capella or MusicXML format as well as PDF.

Let capella-scan transform your sheet music quickly into a ringing score that is ready for editing and printing! capella-scan has put an end to the laborious task of typing out notes. At last, there is now a way of transposing printed notes and creating part extraction from a printed score without having to type out sheet music note-for-note.
capella-scan is the perfect addition to capella or your music notation program. capella-scan converts your printed music sheets into a capella or MusicXML file. Edit this file in capella or your preferred music notation program according to your ideas.
capella-scan is the perfect addition to capella or your music notation program. capella-scan converts your printed music sheets into a capella or MusicXML file. Edit this file in capella or your preferred music notation program according to your ideas.
VST Effects / VST Plugins / Audio Soft
Tome is a unique rack extension with an interactive display that allows you to quickly visualize how to play scales, melodies, and more on keyboard and most string instruments. With it, you can put away the theory books, stop googling scales, and move beyond memorization to focus on what really matters: making great music.
The perfect productivity tool for keyboard and string players of all skill levels.
Soft / Audio Soft
With capella you can instantly create complete scores … No other notation program will take you by the hand and gently guide you towards your first own score in the manner in which capella does it. There is no need to be fully computer literate - you just follow your musical imagination and capella does the rest. Within no time you will have completed your first score sheet.
capella is everywhere
In the country of Beethoven, Bach and Reger, capella has become the de facto standard for notation editors amongst musicians from all walks of life.