The Ultimate Guitar Sweep Picking Book: Learn Essential Arpeggio Sweep Shapes That Loop In Any Key
Soft / Music Magazines
Essential Sweep Picking Shapes
Sweep picking can be one of the most daunting techniques to learn and play, and speaking from experience I understand the frustrations of not knowing what shapes are best to learn!
This book gives you all the tools you need to understand how to build your own sweep picking licks and become a master of the sweeps in no time! Jumping straight to the juicy bits this book focuses on arpeggio shapes specifically for sweep picking that loop in bars of 4/4 and are movable to any key.
Whether new to sweep picking or a more advanced player, this book is the ultimate sweep picking reference book for inspiration. Most of the shapes in this book can be played without barring, also known as finger rolling. In my opinion finger rolling can sound very messy, it's hard to master, and with it you are not playing a true arpeggio as notes can ring into each other. With all of the shapes in this book I show you specific fingering for your fretting hand that are ergonomically the best way to play each note with individual fingers. It's super clean and sounds incredible once mastered! Put together by musician
Karl Golden, who has been playing guitar professionally for over 10 years, and is now a big influencer in the YouTuber guitar community, with well over 50 million views on his content.
Shapes That Avoid Finger Rolling
Finger rolling can be very hard to master and in essence doesn't create a true arpeggio as it is very hard to avoid notes ringing into each other. This book avoids finger rolling at all costs unless necessary due
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Soft / Music Magazines
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Soft / Music Magazines
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