Sound On Sound USA October 2023
Soft / Music Magazines

Karno SEPIA Preview [front cover] Spotlight: All-in-one Podcasting Devices Focusrite Scarlett 4th Gen interface Allen & Heath CQ-18T digital mixer Sequential Trigon-6 synth Frap Audio Dynamics 2806 Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 10 Synclavier Regen Melbourne Instruments Nina Audix PDX720 Signature Edition mic Embody IVS Gavin Lursson Signature Edition Polyend Tracker Mini AJH Synth/Tone Science Triple Cross Wes Audio ng76 FET compressor Blackstar St James Plugin Ultimate Ears UE PREMIER in-ears Sample Libraries - and lots more!
TECHNIQUES + PEOPLE: PJ Harvey Intro to Parabolic Reflectors Afrojack Inside Track: Trippie Redd How I Got That Sound: Michael Brauer Modular Profile: Corry Banks (Bboytech) Talkback: Becca Mancari DAW workshops: Cubase, Studio One, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Reaper, Reason... and plenty more!
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TECHNIQUES + PEOPLE: PJ Harvey Intro to Parabolic Reflectors Afrojack Inside Track: Trippie Redd How I Got That Sound: Michael Brauer Modular Profile: Corry Banks (Bboytech) Talkback: Becca Mancari DAW workshops: Cubase, Studio One, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Reaper, Reason... and plenty more!
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Soft / Music Magazines
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Neve 88M audio interface [front cover] DPA 4055 kick mic Qube Audio Mobi One control surface Novation Launchkey 88 Focusrite Vocaster Two podcast interface IK Multimedia Modo Bass 2 virtual instrument Waldorf Iridium Keyboard synth Audeze Euclid in-ear monitors Golden Age Premier Pre-73 Jr & EQ-73 Hifiman HE400se headphones KIT Plugins Mo-Q AJH Synth Tap Tempo VC-LFO & Dual RVG Eurorack PSI A21-M updated monitors PreSonus Revelator Dynamic mic Vanguard Audio V44S Gen2 mic Wave Alchemy TRIAZ virtual percussion instrument Latest sample libraries - and lots more!
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Audient EVO 16 audio interface [front cover] Rode RodeCaster Pro II podcast workstation Hammond SKX Pro keyboard Audix A231 mic Avid Pro Tools Artist Korg miniKORG 700FS synth Viscount Legend '70s Compact stage piano Neumann NDH 30 headphones Genelec Aural ID binaural monitoring Wavefonix W314 & W614 modular synths Benchmark HPA4 headphone amp DS Audio Tantra 2 multi-effects plug-in Golden Age Premier GA-47XT M7 mic Heritage Audio Motorcity EQualizer Positive Grid Spark Mini modelling amp sE Electronics Neom USB microphone Lake People G103 MkII & G105 MkII headphone amps Zoom B6 bass processor Boss Space Echo RE-202 & RE-2 pedals Latest sample libraries - and lots more!
Soft / Music Magazines
Warm Audio WA-8000 mic RME Fireface UCX II interface Wes Audio ngBusComp Bitwig Studio 4 Genelec 8351B & W371A monitors/woofer Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 8 Polyend Tracker Vochlea Dubler 2 Antares Auto-Tune Vocodist Focusrite Clarett+ 8Pre interface Erica Synths Matrix Mixer Positive Grid Bias FX 2 Elite Austrian Audio Hi-X15 headphones MXL Revelation Mini FET mic VSL Synchron Brass sample library - and plenty more!