Udemy Mastering Digital Music DAW for Autistic Dyslexic people TUTORiAL
Soft / Video Lessons
This Digital Tech training course is part of a series of various other classes made Specifically for Special Needs People.
The Special Needs people are mainly those who are Autistic, Dyslexic, having Down Syndrome, Asperger’s, Cerebral Palsy and various others.
The Special Needs people are known to have exceptional talents, which only need to be uncovered. However, once their hidden talents are tapped, they are capable of producing wonders.
Unfortunately, they are rarely given fair chances i.e. be it in schools, community or work place due to their ‘perceived’ limitations and inabilities. The Covid-19 situation has further narrowed their options to earn a living since there are more people now seeking jobs and alternative opportunities to earn a living.
Our main motive is to train them to enable to be self-sustainable and not to be dependent on any donations on handouts from anyone.
This class would be focusing on teaching Digital Music DAW for special needs people in a way that it is easier for them to follow through. The course is very user friendly and a detailed guide is provided throughout the course which ensures that the students will not face any difficulties when they are going through our lessons.
We have had a wonderful journey in training these special needs people throughout these years. It has been wonderful to see our students growing from Zero to Heroes.
What you'll learn
The Autistic (Autism) and Dyslexic (Dyslexia) etc people will learn to Digital Music DAW using LMMS Software
Students will learn all the steps required to create Music professionally on their own based on their creativity
Specially designed for people with Autism, Dyslexia, etc
You will be amazed with their capabilities upon acquiring these skills
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