Truefire Artur Menezes Bluescapes TUTORiAL
Soft / Video Lessons
Learn Creative Approaches for Your Blues Solos and Improvisations
What makes one blues guitar player really distinctive from other players is not just their technique and fretboard dexterity; It's the artful mix of their influences, creativity, rhythmic feel, dynamics, and heart that makes a player's musicality really stand out.
What makes one blues guitar player really distinctive from other players is not just their technique and fretboard dexterity; It's the artful mix of their influences, creativity, rhythmic feel, dynamics, and heart that makes a player's musicality really stand out.
As you play your way through Artur Menezes' Bluescapes hands-on curriculum you'll examine the full range of these artistic qualities and then put them immediately to use in a musical context as you play through a series of performance studies.
A native of Brazil, LA-based Artur Menezes won the Albert King Award for Best Guitarist at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis. He also won Gibson's ultra-prestigious Blues Guitarist of the Year awards. "Although very much influenced by blues, he crosses genres with psychedelic rock, funk and Brazilian rhythms such as "baião”, creating his own voice and sound, which has been attracting younger audiences and helping to keep the blues alive.”
We're thrilled to welcome Artur to the family with his first TrueFire course, Bluescapes. You will likewise be thrilled as you play your way through his highly engaging and illuminating curriculum.
'I'll show you how I develop motives and improvise creatively, we'll talk about outlining changes, I'll show you some ways to get more exotic sounds from a minor blues blueprint, we'll talk about fast lines, double stops, things I've learned from my guitar heroes, and many approaches I've discovered myself along the way. I'll explain each of the concepts in detail, show you some different ways to apply them in your playing.
We'll put all of these techniques and approaches to work across ten blues performance studies in a handful of common keys. We'll play over shuffles, slow blues, minor changes, funky blues, jazzier progressions, driving blues-rock jams, and Texas shuffles.”
Artur will explain and demonstrate all of the key concepts and approaches along the way. You'll get standard notation and tabs for all of the performance studies. Plus, you'll be able to use TrueFire's learning tools to sync the tab and notation to the video lesson.
You can also loop or slow down the videos so that you can work with the lessons at your own pace. All of the backing tracks are included to work with on your own as well.
Grab your guitar and let's dig in with Artur Menezes!
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