Truefire Eric Haugen's Guitar Zen: Improv Strategies TUTORiAL
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Top 7 Pro Strategies for Soloing and Improvisation
All of your favorite improvised solos have on thing in common - a creative approach and and an underlying strategy. In the same way movies rely on storyboard and scripts, musicians rely on a variety of creative strategies to guide their improvisations.
This Improv Strategies edition of Eric Haugen's Guitar Zen series will teach you the top 7 creative strategies that the pros use, across all genres, to guide their own solos and improvisations.
”I'll show you the 7 soloing approaches and creative strategies that your favorite guitarists use all of the time. We'll combine a creative approach with and underlying strategy to get the most out of the scales, licks and phrases that you already know.
We'll start by working on the two most important things; being on the beat, and in the scale. I'll show you improv strategies like Motifs, Repeat and Add, Call and Response, the Dicky Bettes trick, Simple Sequences and Speak In Paragraphs - all simple to employ using what you already know.
You don't have to split the atom to create a powerful solo on the fly. You'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly you can put these approaches to work and take your improvisations to a whole new level.”
You'll have all of TrueFire's advanced learning tools at your finger tips to personalize your workspace and learn at your own pace.
You can loop, slow down, or speed up any section of a lesson. Plus, all of the tab and notation is synced to the videos for the optimal learning experience. You'll also get tab and standard notation files to print out, Guitar Pro files, and all of the backing tracks to practice with.
Grab your guitar, and let's dig in with Eric Haugen!
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