kiloHearts Toolbox Ultimate v1.8.21 CE / v1.8.15 WiN MacOSX
VST Instruments / VST Effects / VST Plugins / Audio Soft
Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE includes all the snapin hosts to take full advantage of the snapins you now own. Experience the flexibility of endless combinations between the effects and the host plugins!
Moving outside of the snapin eco-system, all other Kilohearts' plugins still support the modular workflow in one way or another (except kHs ONE). That's why we created the Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE which gives you eveything we ever released so you can get as creative as you like.
Explore the hundreds of professional factory presets throughout these plugins by various professional preset makers and artists from around the world (but mostly Germany by some fluke). Just Phase Plant alone has over 400 carefully curated presets to start you off before getting into modifying, and creating your own.
1.8.21 2021-11—01
-- Delay
* Fixed too small hit areas for delay time when in synced mode.
-- Convolver
* Fixed too small hit areas for pre-delaytime when in synced mode.
* Fixed a burst of noise that could occur when loading or manipulating an IR.
* Reduced the sensitivity when dragging the stretch parameter.
--Phase Plant
* Fixed a crash that occured when dragging the end points in the sample import tool in the wavetable editor.
-- VST 2
* Fixed some parameters, most notably macros, sometimes having the wrong value after loading a preset in Reason.
-- VST 3
* Fixed renaming macros not working properly in Ableton Live.
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VST Instruments / VST Plugins
Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE includes all the snapin hosts to take full advantage of the snapins you now own. Experience the flexibility of endless combinations between the effects and the host plugins!
Moving outside of the snapin eco-system, all other Kilohearts' plugins still support the modular workflow in one way or another (except kHs ONE). That's why we created the Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE which gives you eveything we ever released so you can get as creative as you like.
VST Plugins / Audio Soft
Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE includes all the snapin hosts to take full advantage of the snapins you now own. Experience the flexibility of endless combinations between the effects and the host plugins!
Moving outside of the snapin eco-system, all other Kilohearts' plugins still support the modular workflow in one way or another (except kHs ONE). That's why we created the Kilohearts Toolbox ULTIMATE which gives you eveything we ever released so you can get as creative as you like.