FKFX Obvious Filter v1.5.0 MacOSX
VST Instruments / VST Effects / VST Plugins / Audio Soft
Obvious Filter will turn any input sound into a rhythmical sequence, using a morphing filter sequencer, with numerous modulations options.
Its unique Morph Sequencer offers a new way to morph between several rhythms, without any gap between shapes.
The 10 resonant filters emulate well-known analog circuits, with unprecedented response quality and depth. Please watch our quick video for a precise tour of Obvious Filter features.
Obvious Filter 1.5 extra features:
Sync Mode – extra sync to host behaviour.
Sliding control: Slide up, Slide Down and a slide inertia.
Lock Snapshot: lock your audio, load any preset and snapshot the best shape to create a new morph!
64 extra Presets.
New GUI.
Feature List:
10 Resonant Filters by Laurent De Soras.
LP4 / LP2 / BP4 / BP2 / HP4 / HP2 / N4 / N2 / N2X / PEAK + ENV.
Morph Sequencer.
Morph Editor.
Editor Point Mode.
Editor Select Modes.
192 Original Presets & Pack.
Ultra Responsive OpenGL GUI.
Modulation Matrix.
MIDI Controlled Note for modulation.
33 Routing Circuits for Modulation.
Control for Pitch & Env Modulation Oscillator.
39 Rare Oscillators (including emulations of some legendary synths).
3 Sine, 3 Triangles, 9 FMs, 3 Logs, 3 Ellipses, 7 Saws, 7 Squares, 4 Pulses.
Slide Up / Slide Down / Slide Inertia.
Morphing Load Manager.
3 Morphing Modes (Immediate / Morph / Linear).
Favorites Manager with Auto Ordering.
Preset Manager.
Random & Locked Preset Load.
Interactive Help.
Precise & Selectable I/O Vu-Meters.
Polyrhythmic Rates.
Preference Panel.
Morph Manager.
Powerful Snap Modes.
Drawing Pencils, Square & Line.
Easy Morph Points Editor.
Multiple functions in Morph Editor.
Flip Vertical & Horizontal.
Double & Mirror.
Roll Points Left & Right.
Copy/Paste between GUIs.
4 Randomize modes.
Capture Edit.
Rate Control for each Morph.
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